Sunday, February 25, 2007

Friday, February 23, 2007


Had a crazy dream last night that Tom Waits came around to take me out for a beer, he sang me some of my faves on the way and we caught a boat to an island. We bumped into Chris Evans strangely enough on the island who was living as a recluse ala Howard Hughes (best thing he has ever done in my opinion). Tom took me to a cool little bar where we danced and drank. He also tied my shoe laces together under the table and i fell over when i stood up. Had a good night...

Monday, February 19, 2007

New Morning...

Took this last Sunday...

Sunday, February 18, 2007

In the ground...

Was out walking the dog early this morning. Its amazing how a day can change. It was very beautiful down at the lakes this morning but the rest of the day has been grey and cold. When Baxter and I came away from the lakes we drove back through the village listening to Palace Brothers - Arise Therefore (without doubt one of the finest albums of music and has to be heard on vinyl) and i suddenly had a thought that one day it will be the last day I hear this album...

Monday, February 05, 2007

Gobble Gobble...

Well it seems that avian flu has hit our beautiful shores. My barber (see previous post) had a fair bit to say about this last Saturday as he cut my bonce. Its weird i suppose, we had a big scare a while back then nothing for ages and now...Bernard Matthews ruins our february. Apparently 159,000 birds will be culled!!! I cant envisage what 159,000 turkeys would look like, i think I have only ever seen 1 in real life. I do remember a temporary job i had back in the day. I worked for Safeway and was responsible for taking in deliveries in the underground loading bay. I had to take pallets of frozen turkeys off the wagons and push them at high speed up a little ramp on a pallet truck. I remember I had to build up as much speed as possible running towards the ramp and then pull the pallet truck in just right as i only had about 5 inches either side of the pallet truck and the doorway to this frozen cubicle where they were kept. I had these slippy shoes on and I remember thinking that hell was in fact ice cold and full of gobblers. Bootiful ...just Bootiful. Gnight Bernard...

Saturday, February 03, 2007

The Adamant Barber...

Getting my hair cut has become a bit of a chore over the last few months. Im at the stage where its just something that i have to get done every couple of months. Gone are the days when i used to care about my hair, i havent really had any sort of style for many years, i had a mean quiff back in the day but what a hassle. Its the same thing every time I go to the barbers these days, grade 4 at the back and sides, trim on top. The guy who cuts my hair these days is a bit of a case for the sheriff. He never shuts up. I know he is a racist and also he is very opinionated on every topic. This morning he was talking about organic food and how there was no organic food really and how it is the biggest scam ever. I tend to agree somewhat but it gets me down how adamant he is that his view has to be right. He also presumes that I am into football and converses with me about Spurs about which I couldnt give a toss. This morning i was a millimetre away from telling him to 'just concentrate on the folicles mate...give it a rest now'...I cant even take my son there with me as he swears like a trooper. I should really try and make the best of the situation and bait him a little...


Got my first Chum by Kaws this week - edition of 1000. Nice piece. About 13" approx...